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Contact Us


Mrs J Barkess will always answer the telephone at our school and is the person you should speak to if you have any queries. If you would prefer to contact us electronically, then you can fill in the form below and we will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible.


Mrs Bell is our Headteacher and Mr Forster is our Deputy Headteacher.


Miss G Petterson is our Special Educational Needs Coordinator.


Catharine Harwood is our Chair of Governors.

Our telephone number is 01207 232059.


DFE No: 840 2226


Stanley Learning Partnership


South Stanley Junior School is an academy and is part of Stanley Learning Partnership.


Mr Mark Stewart is our Chief Executive Officer.

Mr Tom Harpe is our Chair of Members & Trustees.


To contact Stanley Learning Partnership LTD please call us on 01207 266700.


Via post: Langley Park Primary School, Behind May Terrace, Langley Park, Durham, DH7 9XN


Click here to visit the Stanley Learning Partnership website: Stanley Learning Partnership


South Stanley Junior School
Tyne Road
South Stanley
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